Hey there, fellow Kobe fan! Just wanted to be upfront about a few things concerning this blog:
- This is a fan site, pure and simple. This blog is fueled by my love and respect for Kobe Bryant. It’s not affiliated with the Los Angeles Lakers, the NBA, or Kobe’s estate. The views and opinions expressed here are mine alone.
- I aim for accuracy, but I’m not perfect. I do my best to provide accurate information and insightful commentary, but I’m not a sports journalist or biographer. I encourage you to do your own research and draw your own conclusions about Kobe’s life and legacy.
- No official endorsement. This blog isn’t officially endorsed by anyone connected to Kobe. It’s just one fan’s way of honoring his memory.
- Keep it respectful. I welcome your comments and discussions, but please keep things respectful. Any negativity or hate will be bounced faster than a Shaq free throw.
- Copyright stuff. I try my best to use publicly available information and images. If you believe any content on this blog infringes on your copyright, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to address it.
Thanks for understanding, and enjoy celebrating the Black Mamba with me!